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WINO 2025

March 20 - 22, 2025

Poznan Congress Center

Polish Wine and Vineyard Fair. The best Polish producers of wines and ciders, as well as suppliers of wine technology and equipment will present their products and solutions


  • Wine & Spirits - Viticulture & Enology - Beer exhibitions in Poland
  • Food Processing Industries exhibitions in Poland
  • Catering & Hospitality Industries exhibitions in Poland

Audience: Trade & General Public

Cycle: once a year

City: Poznan (Poland)

Address: ul. Glogowska 14, 60-734 Poznan

Country: Poland

Telephone: +48 61 86 92 131

Fax: +48 61 86 92 720

Website: http://poznancongresscenter.pl/en

Email: sabrina.zymierska@grupamtp.pl
